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School Curriculum:        Curriculum Overview

Maths Long-Term Plans: 

Year 1   Year 2   Year 3   Year 4/Year 5   Year 5/Year 6    

Earhart   Attenborough      Meadows        Peake        Hillary


Our Christian values weave like a thread through everything we do.

We believe that learning is lifelong and that it is not restricted to the classroom. At Thornton Dale C of E School, we make the most of every opportunity within and beyond the classroom and the school day. We often offer extracurricular courses and workshops together with our partner related to elite writing providing https://essayelites.com/ company. The school curriculum meets the requirements of The New National Curriculum (September 2014) and Early Years Foundation Stage statutory requirements. Thornton Dale C of E School's bespoke curriculum, based on the New National Curriculum, has an emphasis on providing opportunities for children to learn in a fun and exciting way through themes that engage and motivate them to learn. These themes are developed through The Power of Reading, an approach that bases the learning on a core book. We also carry out a number of visits and visitors come in to school to enhance learning. We pride ourselves on developing social skills, independence and resilience in our children and recognising that our best learning takes place when we make mistakes.

In Key Stages 1 and 2 the curriculum is planned in short blocks - anything from 2 - 6 weeks in themes planned around the core book ensuring our values are woven into the learning:

Kindness, Resilience, Respect, Thankfulness, Tolerance and Trust.

The Christian values above and the British values of Rule of Law, Democracy, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance are built into the planning and Collective Worship over the year. 

English and Mathematics are incorporated into themes of the Core Book where possible running like threads throughout the wider curriculum.  Programmes of Study follow the National Curriculum.  We follow the North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education enhanced by guidance from the Diocese of York.

Our Nursery & Reception children follow the Early Years Statutory Framework which is delivered through identifying children’s interests and planning provision to meet the needs of the areas of learning. The Reception children are assessed at the end of the year against the Early Learning Goals.

Every class will access Forest Schools at some point over the year making use of our extensive grounds. We also deliver a sports curriculum making good use of our Sports Premium Funding to employ Hawkes Fitness to deliver games skills to all classes.


We teach phonics in a systematic way using Read, Write Inc. working through phases which introduce initial sounds leading to blending words. We approach the teaching of phonics in a variety of ways for example through synthetic phonics and recall of 'tricky words'. Children in Year 1 are assessed on their phonic knowledge in the summer term.

In Key Stages 1 and 2  we also teach discreet spelling through No Nonsense Spelling Programme and grammar sessions following the guidance in the National Curriculum. This learning is applied in the context of the chldren's writing.


We have a number of reading schemes from which we work . These include Oxford Reading Tree - the main scheme, Ginn and Rigby. Children are encouraged to develop a love of reading through access to high quality texts, reading displays and being read to by an adult on a daily basis.
Using any reading techniques, both students and teachers can familiarize themselves with the articles of our author:



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