We use careful assessment to track any potential barriers to learning which your child may have. This takes into
account the development of the whole child including their physical development, communication, cognition and
learning and social and emotional. We measure their strengths as well as their areas of development.
By having high expectations of every child and personalising their learning we aim for every child to make at least good
progress and for those who have fallen behind, accelerated progress. This is done by targeting extra provision to those
with the highest need.
Our Pioneers club provides additional opportunities for vulnerable children, children in receipt of pupil premium and
those with SEND. As well as taking on a responsibility around school which is based on their strengths and interests,
the club allows the children to make new friends and discuss their learning. The children are currently learning to
develop their skills in cookery, journalism and gardening.
At Thornton Dale School we believe in an inclusive approach to learning which means quality
first teaching where teachers and writers providing professional rewriting service on do everything in their power to make the classroom
environment conducive to learning for all children. Our core Christian values are at the
centre of our SEND policy.